A gedankenexperiment on vaccination
tl;dr. I’m describing a thought experiment that hopefully helps to convince people to get vaccinated despite feeling uncertain about some aspects of COVID-19.
tl;dr. I’m describing a thought experiment that hopefully helps to convince people to get vaccinated despite feeling uncertain about some aspects of COVID-19.
tl;dr. I demonstrate how to (ab)use generators/coroutines to transform any recursive function into an iterative function with nearly zero code changes. I exp...
This is a blog post I wrote while I was working on the Haskell-based smart contract language Daml at Digital Asset.
This is a talk I gave at the Zürich Friends of Haskell meetup while I was working on the Haskell-based smart contract language Daml at Digital Asset.
This is a blog post I wrote with Shayne Fletcher while we were both working on the Haskell-based smart contract language Daml at Digital Asset.
This is a blog post I wrote with Robin Krom while we were both working on the Haskell-based smart contract language Daml at Digital Asset.
This is a blog post I wrote with Neil Mitchell while we were both working on the Haskell-based smart contract language Daml at Digital Asset.
This is a blog post I wrote with Jost Berthold while we were both working on the Haskell-based smart contract language Daml at Digital Asset.